Am I beautiful?

September 9, 2019

September 9, 2019

Am I beautiful? This is the question that we, as girls, all want to know the answer to. Body image, identity, comparison, pressure, perfection, fear, expectations, secrets, society... what do all these things have in common? They each have the potential to plague the lives of beautiful women. What else do they have in common? They are all topics that are addressed in the new film Speaking to Sparrows.

No matter how big or how small, we all struggle with something. It is so easy for us to get caught up in thinking that we are all alone, that we are somehow the only girl on the planet who has a certain insecurity or struggles with a certain problem. The chances that you are the only one (out of roughly 3.75 billion females on earth) is roughly 0.00000000027%, and that is pretty small :) Actually, you might be surprised to find that not only is some other girl in the world struggling with the same thing as you, but also someone in your home state, in your neighborhood, at your school or even your best friend might be struggling with the very same thing. But if these struggles are so common, why can’t we just talk about them? Why can’t we find the girls who are in the same boat as us and work together to row the boat back to the shore, to solid ground?

Society tells us that we can’t do this. Society tells us to look perfect on social media, to cover up our insecurities, to forget about vulnerability and to avoid tough conversations. In Speaking to Sparrows, ordinary girls tell their stories. These are girls with insecurities, girls with struggles and girls who - despite recognizing these things and talking about them - still don’t have everything perfect. But the extraordinary thing about this film is the raw beauty that radiates through each woman as each one speaks of her pain and struggle and about the healing that she has experienced through finding a community and developing a relationship with God. Speaking to Sparrows is a story of redemption, beauty, positivity, authenticity and identity in Christ. Christ is the one who made us, the one who delights in our existence, the one who calls us beautiful in our pain and suffering.

Ladies: We have to start working together to defeat the lies that our world tells us. How? By talking. We have to talk to each other. We have to build community. That is essential for us to thrive. So how do we start? Speaking to Sparrows is the perfect starting point because it touches on so many topics. This film is for every girl of every faith, culture and stage in life. We are all women, and that is what binds us. Find a group of girls who can sit down with you to watch the film, and use it as the ground to begin the conversation you don’t know how to start. It is in community that we will be strong for each other; we will come to realize our authentic beauty and truly live out our authentic womanhood

Don’t have a group of girls to watch the film with? Want to meet awesome women in your community? Keep an eye out on our website to find out when a screening of the film will be hosted near you! If you are interested in hosting a screening, please visit the website to schedule one today!